Best Siblings Quotes To Celebrate Brother and Sister


siblings quotes

Brother and sister, even after quarreling with each other, their affection and love for each other does not diminish, this relationship is something like this. They may fight all day but can not leave without each other. Here is a collection of quotes dedicated to this beautiful relation of brother and sister, Siblings Quotes. Share these to your brother or sister and show them how much you care about them and how do you feel about them. On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, you can post these quotes as caption on your Rakhi photos on Instagram or Facebook or WhatsApp.

Siblings Quotes

  • “Siblings – the definition that comprises love, strife, competition and forever friends.” – Byron Pulsifer
Siblings funny quotes

“You cannot live without only one enemy, and they are your siblings.


  • “A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.” – Ann Hood
  • “A sibling represents a person’s past, present, and future.” – John Corey Whaley
  • “In some ways, siblings, and especially sisters, are more influential in your childhood than your parents.” – Deborah Tannen
  • “A plenty of relationships are made and broken, but siblings stay forever.”
  • “No matter how much you dislike your siblings, they are there with you whenever you need them.”
  • “Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring quite often the hard way.” – Pamela Dugdale
  • “Siblings don’t realize they are making special memories for the future. They just know that they are having fun.”
  • “Siblings fight and fall. But whenever you fall alone, they will always be there to pick you up.”
  • “Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” – Ally Condie
  • “Your sibling may take a different path in life. But your bond with them will be forever.”
  • “They love each other. They’re brother and sister. It’s one for all and all for one.” – Joe Ziemba
  • “Our paths might change as life goes on. But we would need each other, and we will be there for each other.”
  • “We support each other so well. We read each other’s mind, hear each other’s soul, and look at each other’s heart.”
  • “Hand in hand, we overcome all the obstacles and help each other in fulfilling dreams. Siblings stand shoulder to shoulder so that nobody can come against us. “
Unconditional sibling love quotes

“Our sibling bond is not eye to eye. Rather it is heart to heart.”


  • “Cause even if we change, we’ll always be the same.” – R5 ‘All Night’
  • “It is the brothers and sisters who teach one another the lifelong lessons of getting along or not.” – Jane Isay
  • “Your brother or sister may not solve your issues. But they will surely not let you face anything alone.”
  • “We don’t always need someone to fix us. Just someone’s presence is enough. And when we have our siblings at the side, we already feel strong and supported.”
  • “What sets sisters apart from brothers and also from friends is a very intimate mashing of heart, soul, and the mystical cords of memory.” – Carol Saline
  • “Siblings protect each other, are there for each other, and love each other. They fight, argue, and scream. But all of this is nothing but love.”
  • “Sisters and brothers just happen, we don’t get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherished relationships.” Wes Adamson
  • “What brothers say to tease their sisters has nothing to do with what they really think of them.” – Esther Friesner
  • “Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they will still be there.” – Amy Li
  • “We all have competitive relationships with our siblings.” – John Benjamin Hickey
  • “When siblings play with each other, they stay close always with each other.”
  • “Brothers and sisters have a right to annoy each other. And they can do it even when they grow older.”
  • “Do you know what friendship is… It is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.” – Victor Hugo
  • “Being a big or small brother is much better than being a superhero.”
  • “Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson
Siblings love quotes

“Positive. Reliable. Ambitious. Helpful. Caring. This is how my sibling is.”


  • “Your siblings are the only people in the world who know what it’s like to have been brought up the way you were.” – Betsy Cohen
  • “When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.” – Antisthenes
  • “Your brother can play multiple roles. He can trouble you like a sister, take care of you like a mother, pamper you like a father, and have fun with you like a friend.”
  • “Brother and sister share a strong bond. When they are together, they can win any battle.”
  • “The best sibling you can have is a brother or sister who pushes you to 10X levels of success!” – Grant Cardone
  • “You learn being in competition when you grow up with your brother or sister.”
  • “Your brother is a person who knows what wrong is going on with you and he will help you smile even in the most stressful times,”
  • “A brother is your playmate first and then he becomes your best friend for the entire life.”
  • “The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out his nose.” – Garrison
  • “Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.” – Charles M. Schulz
  • “Sibling rivalry was, and still is to this day, rampant in my family. We were all competing for my parent’s divided attention.” – Janine di Giovanni
  • “It takes two men to make one brother.” – Israel Zangwill
  • “A brother is a brother, and then he becomes a bother, and later he becomes a friend.”
  • “Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.” – Kim Kardashian

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  • “Siblings that say they never fight are most definitely hiding something.” – Lemony Snicket
  • “Siblings are similar to free insurance. They will help you give a spare part when you need one.”
  • “It is difficult to find a sibling who is smart, talented, and loving. I thank God as you have been that lucky person to have a sibling like me.”
  • Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.-  Robert Brault
  • Never make a companion equal to a brother. – Hesiod
  • “Brothers and sisters separated by distance joined by love.” – Chuck Danes
  • “If you have a big sister, you will understand that she is much better than a princess.”
  • “Brother and sister share a strong bond. When they are together, they can win any battle.”
  • “Most sisters and brothers are friends, companions, and support for each other.”– Kate Summers.
  • “Brothers and sisters can say things to one another that no one else can.”– Gregory E. Lang
  • “The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other.”- Unknown.*
  • “A girl is lucky when she has the best brother who understands her like no other.”- Unknown.
  • “People that have a brother or sister don’t realize how lucky they are.”
  • “Brothers don’t say anything to each other – they can just be completely comfortable with each other.”– Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • “My brother is my best’s best.”- Georgie Denbrough.
  • “Once a brother, always a brother, no matter the distance.”- Byron Pulsifer
  • “Every person whether he is Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist, he is my brother, my sister.”- Mother Teresa.
About Admin

I am Shubham Jadhav, I love writing & creating new thoughts, quotes and captions for Instagram. I have been doing this work since 2015. I have worked for various blogs and sites.

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