50+ Interesting Christopher Walken Quotes


Christopher Walken Quotes

Christopher Walken’s original name was Ronald Walken. He was born on March 31 1943 Queens in New York, U.S. Walken is an American actor known for his intense, eccentric performances in a variety of roles, which earned his unending popularity and critical appreciation. He began dancing when he was a child. He also auditioned for the various small roles that were offered to children on live dramas on television. He was a student at an institution called the Professional Children’s School, a school for children who were actors. He began his professional stage career in the stage under the name Ronnie Walken in 1959 in Archibald MacLeish’s J.B. and went on to appear in the revival in 1963 of Best Foot Forward, 1966 productions of Measure for Measure, The Rose Tattoo, The Lion in Winter and a myriad of other productions. He took on the stage name of Ronnie Walken in 1964. Walken was able to make his professional movie debut in 1971 with Sidney Lumet’s heist action “The Anderson Tapes. He was in the autobiographical film of Paul Mazursky Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976) as well as the thriller The Sentinel (1977) before receiving a notice for a minor role as the protagonist’s seemingly suicide-prone brother, for the film of Woody Allen Annie Hall (1977). Here is a collection of interesting quotes by iconic actor Christopher Walken.

Christopher Walken Quotes

  • “And anything I play, my reference is completely from the planet Show Business. I don’t know anything about anybody else.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I put aside an hour every day to go over that monologue again and again for months, and every time I got to the end of it, I would crack up.”- Christopher Walken
  • I don’t like driving, I prefer to be driven. – Christopher Walken
  • “I worked for 15 years as a kind of janitor at the Actors Studio. I would do manual things. I did lots of plays, theater workshops, for nothing.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I grew up in the ’50s, in New York City, where television was born.”- Christopher Walken
christopher walken quote

“An actor really is a kind of intermediary between an audience and the piece, whether it’s a play or movie.”- Christopher Walken


  • “Back home, I do the same things every day. Exactly the same. I eat at the same time, I get up at the same time.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I don’t play lovers. I wish I did. At least once I’d like to have a crack at one of those guys. A heartbreaker. Some people are born to it. I’m not.”- Christopher Walken
  • “There’s something dangerous about what’s funny. Jarring and disconcerting. There is a connection between funny and scary.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I just do things and hope for the best. Say yes, take a chance, and sometimes it’s terrific and sometimes it’s not.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I’ve done a couple of things on TV, and probably more people saw me than in all the movies I’ve made.”- Christopher Walken
  • “If you were born in New York during the golden age of television, and you grew up on Broadway, that marks you.”- Christopher Walken
  • “When I’m on the road making a movie in another city, on my day off, I always go to the movies. I love going to the movies.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I don’t need to be made to look evil. I can do that on my own.” – Christopher Walken
  • “I’ve done a lot of things I cringe when I watch and some things I’m proud of… Movies are strange. You have to be a little bit lucky with them.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I think all men when they get older, they look at the mirror and they probably see their father a little bit.”- Christopher Walken
  • “As an actor you become that lighting rod between the person who made the play and the audience.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I guess honesty is what you would call subjective: if you feel good about what you’re doing, yourself, if you figure you’re doing the right thing.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I’m better off not socializing. I make a better impression if I’m not around.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day. I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now.”- Christopher Walken
  • “You know, there are guys who play the guy who gets the girl, guys who are the best friend of that guy, there’s the funny guy, the villain.”- Christopher Walken
  • “Somebody said to me that I speak English almost like somebody for whom English is not their first language.”- Christopher Walken
  • “My favorite characters are the ones that are the most successful movies.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I play so many villains and strange, troubled people. I don’t have that kind of life. I live in the country. I’ve been married nearly 50 years. I have a cat.”- Christopher Walken
  • “The last time I did a movie that needed a horse, I said: ‘If it moves, I’m out of here.’ The worst thing is, they know when you’re afraid and act up accordingly. I’ve had them run off on me. Horses I do not like.”- Christopher Walken

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  • “Even in the limo, I buckle my seatbelt. I got that seatbelt on before the car moves.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I like cats a lot. I’ve always liked cats. They’re great company. When they eat, they always leave a little bit at the bottom of the bowl. A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit.”- Christopher Walken
  • “My father was a lesson. He had his own bakery, and it was closed one day a week, but he would go anyway.”- Christopher Walken
  • “I make up different names for my cat all the time: Flapjack, Bowtie, Popcorn. But he’s really, ‘Hey you, cat.'”- Christopher Walken
  • “I don’t think I’d be a good director because people would ask me, you know, ‘What is it? What’s going on here? Where should I put the camera?’ Or, ‘What’s my motivation?’ And I would say,’Do whatever you want!'”- Christopher Walken
  • “Bless me? Do you know what God did for me? He threw an 18-wheeled truck at me and bounced me into nowhere for five years!”- Christopher Walken
  • “Your house is burning! There’s still time.”- Christopher Walken
  • “Something stinks like stale French fries.”- Christopher Walken
  • “Let’s understand each other. I sang the first hymn when the stars were born.”- Christopher Walken
  • “You been with a woman, Zophael? It’s like dying… you moan, cry out. You get to a spot that has you begging for release. Once, I was an Angel of Death… now, I die every day… when I have the cash.”- Christopher Walken
  • “If I do something wrong, it’s because God didn’t give me the grace to do what’s right. If this world stinks, it’s his fault. I’m only working with what I’ve been given.”- Christopher Walken
christopher walken quotes about life

“I thought people like me were the legal process.”- Christopher Walken


  • “Love is a bridge built between two people. We want what exists between them to be real.”- Christopher Walken
  • “A man can be an artist in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy’s art is death. He’s about to paint his masterpiece.”- Christopher Walken
  • Sometimes a certain innocence is good, but not about yourself.
  • I don’t have a wristwatch either because if I need to know what time it is, I ask somebody. – Christopher Walken
  • “That ain’t any kind of fun, but what I have to offer you, that’s as good as it’s gonna get. And it won’t ever get that good again.”- Christopher Walken
  • We have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future. All we can do is use the information at hand to make the best decision possible.-Christopher Walken
  • I have this theory about words. There’s a thousand ways to say “Pass the salt”. It could mean, you know, “Can I have some salt?” or it could mean, “I love you.”. It could mean, “I’m very annoyed with you”. Really, the list could go on and on. Words are little bombs, and they have a lot of energy inside them.-Christopher Walken
  • At its best, life is completely unpredictable.-Christopher Walken
  • If I show somebody something that I’ve written and they say, “Eh…alright,” I just put it away and I never show it to anyone again. But I know people who won’t take no for an answer, and eventually someone pays attention.-Christopher Walken
christopher walken quotes funny

My hair was famous before I was.-Christopher Walken


  • There are people who are able to plan their career, their future, but I’ve never had any talent for that. I just do things and hope for the best. Say yes, take a chance, and sometimes it’s terrific and sometimes it’s not.-Christopher Walken
  • You know, there’s nothing you can do about your public image. It is what it is. I just try to do things honestly. I guess honesty is what you would call subjective: if you feel good about what you’re doing, yourself, if you figure you’re doing the right thing.-Christopher Walken
  • In the end, there’s still the Word, everywhere… In Heaven and it’s Angels, the Earth and Stars, even in the darkest part of the Human Soul It was there where it burned brightest. And for a moment, I was blinded.-Christopher Walken
  • In the theater you rehearse in order to do the performance. And in the movies the rehearsal and the performance are kind of the same thing. You’re figuring it out and hopefully the camera is pointed at you when you’re doing it.-Christopher Walken
  • No, improvising is wonderful. But, the thing is that you cannot improvise unless you know exactly what you’re doing.Christopher Walken
  • It’s not necessarily how many minutes you’re on screen, it’s the material you have. It’s more important what it is you have to do than the amount of time you’re there.-Christopher Walken
  • Because if I don’t know my lines, I really don’t know what I’m doing.-Christopher Walken
  • I’d love to do a character with a wife, a nice little house, a couple of kids, a dog, maybe a bit of singing, and no guns and no killing, but nobody offers me those kind of parts.-Christopher Walken
  • Bear suits are funny – and bears as well.-Christopher Walken
  • It’s very bizarre though when you get hired and then the director will say, “I know how this goes.” And you’re thinking, “Wait a minute, I thought that I was doing this” but basically what they really want, especially if they wrote it, is they want you to do it as they imagined it. It’s virtually impossible.-Christopher Walken
  • Acting has to do with saying it as if you meant it, so for me the words are always very important. It’s very important for me to know my lines, know them so well that I don’t have to think about them.-Christopher Walken
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I am Shubham Jadhav, I love writing & creating new thoughts, quotes and captions for Instagram. I have been doing this work since 2015. I have worked for various blogs and sites.

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