Cowboys have long been symbols of rugged independence, resilience, and a deep connection to the land. Their way of life, often romanticized in literature and film, speaks to the spirit of adventure and the pursuit of freedom. Whether it’s the wisdom gleaned from a life spent under the open sky or the grit required to face the challenges of the frontier, cowboy quotes capture the essence of the American West. These quotes reflect not only the cowboy’s hard-earned experience but also the values of honor, loyalty, and determination that they live by.
In this collection of Cowboy quotes, you’ll find words that resonate with anyone who appreciates the cowboy spirit. From legendary figures to modern-day cowhands, these quotes embody the toughness and simplicity that define cowboy culture. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, a bit of humor, or a reminder of the enduring strength of the cowboy way, these quotes will bring the spirit of the West to life
Cowboy Quotes and Captions 2024
- “You can always tell a cowboy by the look in his eyes.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The best thing about the good old days is that they’re gone.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy’s pride
- “Don’t get mad, get back on.” – Cowboy Proverb
- Let him ride a horse. He’s a cowboy ain’t he?”-Nathanael West
- “True cowboys never give up.” – Unknown
- “Don’t let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.”-Missy Lyons
- “If you climb in the saddle, be ready for the ride.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode; there never was a cowboy who couldn’t be throwed.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “A true cowboy knows love, pain, and shame but never cares about fame.”-Cowboy Proverb
- “Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The true test of a cowboy is how he handles adversity.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his boots.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The best cowboys are the ones who never give up.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Don’t squat with your spurs on.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.” – Helen Thompson
- “You can take the cowboy out of the West, but you can’t take the West out of the cowboy.” – Unknown
- “Cowboys don’t cry, they just dust off and ride again.” – Unknown
- “If you want to be a cowboy, you’ve got to be tough.” – Unknown
- “When you’re in the saddle, you’re in control.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A man is not finished when he’s defeated; he’s finished when he quits.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Ride hard, live free.” – Unknown
- “The cowboy way is the best way.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy’s heart is as big as the open plains.” – Unknown
- “Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “There’s no better place to find yourself than sitting in the saddle.” – Unknown
- “Sometimes you’ve got to ride through the storm to see the sunshine.” – Unknown
- “A cowboy’s word is his bond.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “It’s a lot like nuts and bolts – if the rider’s nuts, the horse bolts!” ~ Nicholas Evans
- “In cowboy culture, your word is your bond, and a handshake is as good as any contract.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “If you get to thinking you’re a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else’s dog around.” ~ Will Rogers
- “You don’t need a new horse, just learn to ride the one you’ve got.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Life’s a rodeo, and all you have to do is stay in the saddle.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “That was the trouble with explaining with words. If you explained with gunpowder, people listened.”-Dean F. Wilson
- “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboy up, or go sit in the truck.” – Unknown
- “The only time a cowboy is at rest is when he’s on his horse.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A good cowboy never leaves his hat behind.” – Unknown
- “If you can’t outrun them, outsmart them.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “If you can’t fix it with duct tape, you’re not using enough duct tape.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The best way to describe a cowboy is dirt in his hair and a smile on his face.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys don’t complain—they just get the job done.” – Unknown
- “You can’t tell how good a man or a watermelon is ’til they get thumped.” ~ Roy Bean
- “You can take the cowboy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the cowboy.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy’s work is never done, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Take life by the horns.” – Unknown
- “When you’re young and fall off a horse, you may break something. When you’re my age, you splatter.” – Roy Rogers
- “When the road gets tough, the tough get going.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys don’t look back—they just keep on riding.” – Unknown
- “In a cowboy’s world, there’s always another ride.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “You live for the fight when that’s all that you’ve got.” – Unknown
- “A cowboy’s life is full of ups and downs, but he always rides on.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy’s work is never done.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.” – John Wayne
- “I don’t care about going down in history as a great bull rider or bronc rider. I hope people will remember me as a great cowboy.” ~ Ty Murray
- “A true cowboy’s heart beats to the rhythm of the land.” – Unknown
- “Cowboys are like sunsets—beautiful, but they don’t last long.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.” – John Wayne
- “I ain’t rich, but I damn sure got me a priceless life.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “There are two things in life you never miss: your horse and your partner.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys don’t cry—they water their horses.” – Unknown
- “It’s all in the attitude—do it, dig in, and do it some more.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Some people follow their dreams, others chase them down and rope them.” – Unknown
- “It’s not the size of the cowboy in the fight, but the size of the fight in the cowboy.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys are born, they ain’t made!” – Cowboy Proverb
- “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Every cowboy was once a tenderfoot.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse.” – William James

“A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse.”-William James
- “If you’re going to be a cowboy, you’ve got to be tough.” – Unknown
- “Boots, chaps, and cowboy hats—nothing else matters.” – Unknown
- “Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “It’s the way you ride the trail that counts.” – Dale Evans
- “Training horses, heck riding horses, isn’t easy. Failing is part of the process. It’s how you brush yourself off and get back in the saddle that counts the most. There’s beauty in the breakdown. Everything is about balance.”-Carly Kade
- “A cowboy’s life is one of solitude and strength.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The most beautiful, the most spirited and the most inspiring creature ever to print foot on the grasses of America.” ~ J. Frank Dobie
- “When you’re down on your luck, saddle up and go after it.” – Unknown
- “The best cowboys ain’t got nothing but grit.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway!”-John Wayne
- “Cowboys live by the code of the West.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “You can’t have no in your heart.” – Unknown
- “The Old West is not a certain place in a certain time, it’s a state of mind. It’s whatever you want it to be.” ~ Tom Mix
- “I’m really a-howling!”-Jack Schaefer
- “Let the horse do the talking.” – John Wayne
- “Cowboys are the original rebels.” – Unknown
- “If you get bucked off, you gotta get right back on.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy is defined by what he does, not what he wears.” – Unknown
- “The bigger the buckle, the better the cowboy.” – Unknown
- Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” ~ Will Rogers
- “Life is better on the back of a horse.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Trust your neighbor, but brand your cattle.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin’.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys don’t make excuses; they make things happen.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy’s hands are as strong as steel, yet as soft as leather.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The cowboy is a patriot.” – Willie Nelson
- “A true cowboy knows love, pain, and shame, but never cares about fame.” – Unknown
- “The best way to appreciate the cowboy life is to live it.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “The earth and the sky, the wind and the trees, they’re all the cowboys’ friends.” – Unknown
- “The only good reason to ride a bull is to meet a nurse.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “When you’re a cowboy, life isn’t all about horses and rodeo’s. It’s about mud and dirt, and cowboy boots.”-Cowboy Proverb
- “Live like someone left the gate open.” – Unknown
- “You’ve got to have determination, grit, and a good horse.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys know a good ride always gets better with age.” – Unknown
- “If you’re going to be dumb, you better be tough.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Cowboys are always there when you need them.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “A cowboy never runs, he just rides faster.” – Unknown
- “It’s better to be a has-been than a never-was.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Always drink upstream from the herd.” – Cowboy Proverb
- “Life is better in boots.” – Unknown
- “It takes a special breed to be a cowboy.” – Cowboy Proverb

“I think I was probably a cowboy in a past life.”-Gin Wigmore
Cowboy Captions
- “Don’t mess with something that ain’t bothering you.”-Cowboy saying.
- “The horse stopped with a jerk—and the jerk fell off!”-Cowboy saying
- “Cowboys and men are two totally different breeds.”-Cowboy Proverb
- “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back into your pocket.”-Will Rogers
- “Any cowboy can carry a tune. The trouble comes when he tries to unload it.”-Cowboy saying
- “The only good reason to ride a bull is to meet a nurse.”-Cowboy saying
- “It is easier to get an actor to be a cowboy than to get a cowboy to be an actor.”-John Ford
- “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.”-John Wayne
- “The cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man or take unfair advantage.”-Cowboy saying
- “Where the leather is scarred, there is a great story to tell.”-Jimmy Tart
- “Learn this well, the last ride is never the last ride. And the end is not the end.”-Richard Rowland

“Cowboys don’t go around breaking hearts.”-Missy Lyons
Cowboy Instagram Captions
- “You’re gonna have to hold on tight, because this rodeo is just getting started.”-Joya Ryan
- “The cowboy has been called America’s folk hero.”-Charles W. Harris
- “It’s been a childhood dream of mine to be a Cowboy, honestly.”-Matt Cassel
- “An onion can make people cry but there’s never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.” ~ Will Rogers
- “The bigger a man’s gun the smaller his doodlewick.” ~ Calamity Jane
- “There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode; never was a cowboy who couldn’t be throwed.”-Cowboy saying
- “Now you are thinking like a thief. Fewer guns and more exits. We’ll cure your cowboy ways yet.”-Richard Kadrey
- “Whoever said a horse was dumb, was dumb.”-Will Rogers
- “Could I be jealous of the way he was touching my horse? Yep…I was.”-Carly Kade
- “I want to be a Cowboy for life.”-Amari Cooper
- “A cowboy is a gentleman with or without his hat and boots.”-Cowboy Proverb
- “You can’t cover up the swagger of a cowboy.”-Jaycee For
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