Here we have brought for you Funny Happy Birthday quotes for your friends, family members, your girlfriend and your boyfriend. You will be blown away after reading this Happy Birthday Funny quotes/Wishes and it will make the day of those you send to wish them a happy birthday. We have tried to create a post of funniest birthday quotes and hope it will make you and your loved ones smile on their birthdays. Checkout these wishes of 2022 and do share on Instagram, Facebook or Whatsapp for the person celebrating his/her special day.
Funny Happy Birthday Quotes
- On your birthday don’t forget to set goals that are sky high and spend the rest of the year miserably trying to build a rocket to get there.
- You’re a really hard individual to shop for… so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday to the only person I would rescue in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
- Happy birthday – So far, this is the oldest you’ve ever been!
- Two things that are inevitable for any living person are birthdays and taxes.

Birthdays are like cheese. They stink more the older they get.
- Aging is the worst side effect of birthdays.
- There’s really only one true birthday. The rest are simply anniversaries of the day of a person’s birth.
- Birthdays are like vacations. You don’t have one too often and they come and go too quickly.
- I will stop making age jokes on your birthday now… you’ve reached the age where it’s genuinely not funny anymore.
- Just remember the more candles on the cake, the bigger the cake you’ll get! Now who’s laughing?
- I regret to inform you that your childhood has EXPIRED. Happy birthday – I’m so glad you’ll always be older than me!

Remember that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!
- Birthdays are like spotting Bigfoot. You really do want to see them but you’re a little afraid of what they’ll look like…
- You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. – Bob Hope
- After 30, a body has a mind of its own. –Bette Midler
- It’s important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle. – Author Unknown
- Don’t regret another birthday, the good news is that you are alive and can celebrate it. – Catherine Pulsifer
- Life seems to fade our memory, so on this birthday I will forget yours if you forget mine! – Kate Summers
- Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. – C.E.M. Joad
- Don’t just count your years, make your years count. – George Meredith
- It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.- Brigitte Bardot
- Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.- Danish Proverb
- Pamper yourself on your birthday, as in a few years someone will put a damper on your birthday reminding you of your age.- Byron Pulsifer
- I believe you forgot my birthday present last year, so now I’m returning the favor. Happy Birthday!
- It’s OK to light the candles on your birthday cake now; I’ve already alerted the fire department. You know, they say that age is really all in the mind. The key is to prevent it from trickling down into your body.
- Congratulations on being born a really long time ago.
- You’re how old?! Better take that cake outdoors to light the candles! Have a very happy birthday.
- When I have a birthday I take the day off. But when my wife has a birthday, she takes a year or two off. ~ Unknown.
- Happy birthday!! You only look as old as the last selfie you took.

Great news! …you’re still alive!
- You’re 60? That’s only 16 in Celsius. Happy birthday!
- Deepest sympathies on your 30th birthday.
- Don’t let aging get you down… it’s too hard to get back up again!
- Middle age… when “happy hour” is a nap!
- If gray hair is a sign of wisdom, then you’re a genius!
- What goes up but never comes down? Your age.
- The tragedy of getting old: So many candles… so little cake.
- Technically you’re not 50. You’re only $49.95, plus tax!
- Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. ~ Jack Benny
- Youth is a gift of nature but age is a work of art. ~ Stanislaw Lec
- The secret to staying young is make up… make up an age, then stick with it!
- We’ll be friends ’til we’re old and senile… and then we’ll be new friends!
- Please don’t retouch my wrinkles. It took me so many birthdays to earn them. ~ Anna Magnani
- Like many women my age, I am 28 years old.
- Happy birthday! Don’t forget to iron that birthday suit.
- A little gray hair is a small price to pay for so much wisdom.
- I’m so sorry for sending you belated birthday wishes. Honestly, I didn’t think you would live this long. Happy Birthday!|
- Some say the glass is half empty, others say the glass is half full. It’s your birthday, just drink whatever’s in the glass!
- On your special day, I wish you peace, love, insight, relaxation, fun, knowledge, romance, friendship… and all that stuff that doesn’t cost anything.
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- Just imagine all the things you’d want to hear on your birthday …and assume I wrote them here! For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.
- At your age, people expect you to be calm, dignified and sober…. Disappoint them.
- You’re older; you’re wiser; you’re sophisticated. Far too sophisticated to be concerned with material things like presents.
- At least you’re not as old as you’ll be this time next year.
- If you feel a bit lonely, forgotten, or just need someone to cheer you up remember…You can always change your birthday on Facebook!
- A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age.
- You’re turning the perfect age. You’re old enough to recognize your mistakes but young enough to make some more. Happy birthday!
- By the time you’re your age, you’ve learned everything – you only have to remember it! Many happy returns on your birthday.
- I spent 3 hours searching the internet for the perfect birthday message for you and then I gave up. Happy Birthday.
- When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old. ~ Mark Twain
- You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. ~ John Grier
- If things get better with age, then you’re approaching magnificent!
- What kind of music is scary for birthday balloons? …pop music!
- I used to get heartburn when I ate birthday cake until the doctor advised me to take the candles off first.
- Why did the teddy bear refuse a slice of birthday cake? He was already stuffed.
- I always get this warm feeling on my birthday – people won’t stop toasting me.