Bob Ross was an American painter and television personality. He was Born on October 29, 1942, in Daytona Beach Florida, and Died on July 4, 1995 (aged 52) New Smyrna. Ross was raised in Orlando, Florida. After completing a year of high school and working with his father as a carpenter, Ross enlisted in the United States Air Force at the age of 18. He was put into service as a medical records technician. Ross was working as a part-time bartender when he discovered a TV show called The Magic of Oil Painting, hosted by German painter Bill Alexander. Check out the most famous and inspirational bob ross quotes about life, mistake, painting, art, and being happy. This also includes Bob Ross’s funny quotes.
Bob Ross Quotes
- “All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.” ― Bob Ross
- “It’s so important to do something every day that will make you happy.” ― Bob Ross
- “Mix up a little more shadow color here, then we can put us a little shadow right in there. See how you can move things around? You have unlimited power on this canvas — can literally, literally move mountains” ― Bob Ross
- “I think there’s an artist hidden at the bottom of every single one of us.” ― Bob Ross
- “If I paint something, I don’t want to have to explain what it is.” ― Bob Ross

“It’s hard to see things when you are too close. Take a step back and look.” ― Bob Ross
- “We artists are a different breed of people. We’re a happy bunch.” ― Bob Ross
- “Gotta give him a friend. Like I always say, ‘Everyone needs a friend.’” ― Bob Ross
- “I think each of us, sometime in our life, has wanted to paint a picture.” ― Bob Ross
- “If you do too much, it’s going to lose its effectiveness.” ― Bob Ross
- “Look around. Look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere—you only have to look to see it.” ― Bob Ross

“You need the dark in order to show the light.” ― Bob Ross
- “This is your world. You’re the creator. Find freedom on this canvas. Believe, that you can do it, ‘cuz you can do it.” ― Bob Ross
- “There’s nothing in the world that breeds success like success.” ― Bob Ross
- “I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the ‘Mona Lisa’ with a two-inch brush.” ― Bob Ross
- “How do you make a round circle with a square knife? That’s your challenge for the day.” ― Bob Ross
- “Water’s like me. It’s laaazy … Boy, it always looks for the easiest way to do things” ― Bob Ross
- “Don’t forget to make all these little things individuals — all of them special in their own way.” ― Bob Ross
- “You have to allow the paint to break to make it beautiful.” ― Bob Ross
- “You can do anything here — the only prerequisite is that it makes you happy.” ― Bob Ross
- “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” ― Bob Ross
- “Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.” ― Bob Ross
- “I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people.” ― Bob Ross
- “Ever make mistakes in life? Let’s make them birds. Yeah, they’re birds now.” ― Bob Ross
- “You can do anything you want. This is your world.” ― Bob Ross
- “Anytime you learn, you gain.” ― Bob Ross“Let’s just blend this little rascal here, ha! Happy as we can be.” ― Bob Ross“Here’s your bravery test!” ― Bob Ross“Let’s build a happy little cloud. Let’s build some happy little trees.” ― Bob Ross
- “Just let go — and fall like a little waterfall.” ― Bob Ross
- “If we’re going to have animals around we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them.” ― Bob Ross
- “We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.” ― Bob Ross
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- “We don’t laugh because we feel good, we feel good because we laugh.” ― Bob Ross
- “Go out on limb. That’s where the fruit is.” ― Bob Ross
- “No pressure. Just relax and watch it happen.” ― Bob Ross
- “Remember how free clouds are. They just lay around in the sky all day long.” ― Bob Ross
- “We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.” ― Bob Ross
- “There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.” ― Bob Ross
- “That’s a crooked tree. We’ll send him to Washington.” ― Bob Ross
- “Trees cover up a multitude of sins.” ― Bob Ross
- “See how it fades right into nothing. That’s just what you’re looking for.” ― Bob Ross
- “The only thing worse than yellow snow is green snow.” ― Bob Ross
- “This is happy place; little squirrels live here and play.” ― Bob Ross
- “Be sure to use odorless paint-thinner. If it’s not odorless, you’ll find yourself working alone very, very quick.” ― Bob Ross
- “Any way you want it to be, that’s just right.” ― Bob Ross
- “Maybe in our world there lives a happy little tree over there.” ― Bob Ross
- “You do your best work if you do a job that makes you happy.” –
- Bob Ross“Everybody has dreams. You are living the American dream, what’s wrong with pushing to secure it for everyone?” – Bob Ross“Think about a cloud. Just float around and be there.” – Bob Ross

“The secret to doing anything is believing you can do it.” – Bob Ross
- “You can do anything your heart can imagine.” – Bob Ross
- “We don’t make mistakes. We have happy accidents.” – Bob Ross
- “Never think about the mistakes you made. Think about the mistakes you will make.” – Bob Ross
- “I believe, I believe every day is a good day when you paint.” – Bob Ross
- “Possessing talent is nothing more than the continuous pursuit of a life-long interest.” – Bob Ross
- “I never turn down requests for interviews. I’m just rarely asked.” – Bob Ross
- “Most painters want recognition, especially by their peers.” – Bob Ross
- “If you study my paintings, there are no signs of human life.” – Bob Ross
- “I stay hidden. I’m sort of hard to find.” – Bob Ross
- “I tell people, ‘You can do this.’ And they write back and say, ‘You were right. I can do this. And now I believe I can do anything.” – Bob Ross
- “I don’t intimidate anyone. Instead, I try to get people to believe in themselves.” – Bob Ross