50+ Comforting Quotes to Make You Feel Better


make you feel better quotes

Everyone have feelings inside, it is good to have feelings for someone, but it is important to feel good for yourself in life, because only when you feel good yourself will be able to take the right decision and implement it. Here you will find such quotes which will make you feel good, as well as fill a positive energy inside you which can help you to become successful in life. We know there comes time in our life when we feel low or do not feel good about everything that’s going on around us. We feel low or negative about everything. When you’re facing this kind of situation, all you should do is keep yourself motivated with whatever you like. Check this collection and feel yourself with positive energy.

Make You Feel Better Quotes

Short quotes to make you feel better

You have the power to do anything.


  • Don’t let a moment of weakness drag on.
  • Let life’s changes take you to new places.
  • There’s more strength within you, use it.
  • Don’t let the storm make you miss out on the coming rainbow.
  • When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  • Now is the time, stand tall.
  • Be ready to enjoy the smooth ride once the turbulence subsides.
Positive feel better quotes

Let this shiny day lift your spirits to see the beauty around you.


  • The rougher the seas, the greater the captain.
  • It’s that little voice of power within, that will get you over this.
  • How can one enjoy success if he hasn’t worked so hard for it?
  • There’s a whole new world outside a comfort zone. Be a part of it.
  • Your positive energy will pull you out of the this sinkhole.
  • Seek joy in moments and soon days of joy will come.
  • There’s a whole new world outside a comfort zone. Be a part of it.
  • Goals will be accomplished and victory will come.
  • Your darkest night can be transformed into the most beautiful day of your life if you invite God into your world.
  • Forever an optimistic person; forever a happy person.
  • If the battle you are going through isn’t hard, your victory would lose that special ingredient that makes remarkable victories taste so sweet.
  • It doesn’t matter how dark the night is, with faith and courage, you can surely turn it into a brilliantly bright and fair day.
  • Do not let the tough times you are facing depress you. Be patient and have a firm belief in God, for He has a beautiful plan for you. You will be amazed if you just hold on and stay the course.
  • If you make faith and hope your companions in your hours of darkness, they shall certainly guide and direct your steps into a world filled with sunlight and brilliance.

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  • Never let your mistakes dull your shine. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them and shine even brighter.
  • Since nothing lasts forever, it’s just a matter of time before all the troubles and trials that have befallen you disappear. So keep calm and focus on counting your blessings for now.
  • My days are now brighter than the sun because I spend my days in the company of positive thoughts.
  • No matter how poor you may think you are, be grateful for the things you have, for there are many who envy what you have and would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
  • Never stop looking at the brighter side of life and you shall never stop being the owner of a happy heart.
  • In the pursuit of what you want, don’t forget to be grateful of the things you’ve already been blessed with. That’s the surest way to be happy on this planet.
  • Happiness always knocks on the doors of those that think positive. That’s just how God designed this world.
  • True happiness in life doesn’t come from the amount of material things in your possession but from being grateful of the life you have been blessed with.
  • Whenever you are feeling down, remember to count your blessings and you shall smile again.
  • Think positive and the sun will forever shine in your skies.
  • Believe in yourself and you will always soar above your enemies and put them to shame. I will never lose my faith in you.
  • All the greatest winners in life had one thing in common: They never ever gave up or surrendered in the face of adversities. Times might be tough right now, but I promise you your resilience will make you great.
  • Success loses its delicious taste if it’s achieved with little or no effort.
  • No matter how dark the clouds of troubles get, I refuse to despair, for I am still breathing. To me, nothing is more important than that.
  • For as long as I have air in my lungs and a beating heart in my chest, I will rejoice because I have in my possession the greatest treasures of life.
  • I might not be the richest or most powerful person on this planet, but I wake up every day with a heart full of joy because I know there are many that would kill to have the life I live. I’m so blessed.
  • I promise you today will be the best day of your life if you count your blessings and fill your mind to the brim with positive and beautiful thoughts.
  • I look at you and all I see is an absolutely beautiful person bound for a great and blissful future. So dry those blue tears from your eyes and smile.
Positive quotes on life

Trouble ahead is just another bump in the road.


  • Be cheerful and never lose your faith in God, for He will never let you down.
  • Optimism is the only key that can open the golden door of happiness. Never trade that key for anything in this world.
  • The loftier the mountains on your way to success are, the more spectacular your accomplishments become.
  • With a strong belief in yourself, no obstacle can ever prevent you from becoming what you truly want to be in this life.
  • Happiness always walks around looking to make friends with the hearts of positive thinkers. Think positive and your heart shall know immeasurable happiness.
  • Celebrate your life, come what may, for you are strong, beautiful and blessed.
  • Life will throw so many trials your way, but never let them distract you from your goal, for you are destined for phenomenal greatness.
  • The foundation of true happiness is optimism.
  • I have lived long enough to know that the bitter the challenges life throws your way, the sweeter your victory becomes.
  • No matter the amount of negativity that comes your way, smile because you are still alive. Nothing is more precious than life.
  • A bad day in no way means you have a bad life.
  • You are special. Never stop being proud of who you are.
  • I am too positive to see the darkness that surrounds me today. Tomorrow will undoubtedly be a brighter day.
  • From the beginning of time, nothing worth having has ever come easy. And until the end of time, nothing worth having will ever come easy.

About Admin

I am Shubham Jadhav, I love writing & creating new thoughts, quotes and captions for Instagram. I have been doing this work since 2015. I have worked for various blogs and sites.

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