What is Done in The Dark will Come to Light: Quotes Illuminating the Power of Truth

Ahana Agrawal

What is Done in The Dark will Come to Light Quotes

No matter how hard you try or destroy all the evidences, what is done in the dark will come to light soon. Whatever you do, you should think twice before doing it. Because your actions only decide what results or output you will get in the future. If you have done bad deeds, they will pop up in future for sure and hunt you. One should choose the right path and focus on doing the good for the sack of society and for themselves. Here we present a collection of What is Done in The Dark will Come to Light Quotes that will help you choose the right path.

What is Done in The Dark will Come to Light Quotes

  • “Darkness cannot hide the truth forever, and eventually, what is done in the dark will come to light.”
  • “The truth will always come to light, no matter how hard one tries to keep it hidden.”
  • “Secrets may be kept for a time, but eventually, they will be exposed.”
  • “No amount of darkness can hide the light of the truth.”
  • “One can only hide their actions for so long before the truth catches up to them.”
  • “The truth has a way of revealing itself, no matter how hard one tries to hide it.”
  • “Deceit may hide in darkness, but eventually, it will be exposed by the light of truth.”
  • “Those who engage in dishonest actions may think they can keep it hidden, but eventually, the truth will come to the surface.”
  • “The truth is like a seed planted in darkness, it may take time, but it will eventually grow and reveal itself.”
  • “Honesty is always the best policy because secrets have a way of coming to light.”
  • “One’s actions may be hidden in the darkness, but they will always be illuminated by the light of truth.”
  • “Lies may be spoken in the dark, but eventually, the light of truth will shine upon them.”
  • “The truth is like a boomerang, no matter how far it is thrown, it will always come back.”
  • “The darkness may hide our actions, but the truth will always find a way to shine through.”
  • “The truth is like the sun, no matter how hard we try to cover it, it will always shine through the clouds.”
  • “What is done in the dark will come to light, and what is hidden will be exposed.” – Luke 8:17
  • “Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it. What is done in the dark will be brought to light.” – Anonymous
  • “The truth is like the sun, it will always shine eventually.” – Unknown
  • “Lies and secrets, they are like cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind. The only cure is to be honest, to speak the truth and to live with integrity. What is done in the dark will eventually come to light, and truth will always prevail.” – Danielle Steel
  • “What is done in darkness will eventually be brought to light by the illuminating power of truth.” – Unknown
  • “What is done in the dark will eventually come to light, and the truth will be revealed.” – Unknown
  • “Every secret will eventually be exposed.” – Unknown
  • “The truth will always come out, no matter how hard you try to hide it.” – Unknown
  • “A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future.” – Unknown
  • “There is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light.” – Vern P. Stanfill
  • “Deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away in the end.” – Rachel Hawthorne
  • “The past will always come back to haunt you, so it’s best to be honest from the start.” – Unknown
  • “The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” – Unknown
  • “It’s better to be honest and upfront about your mistakes than to try and hide them. What is done in the dark will always come to light eventually.” – Unknown
  • “Lies are like shadows, they follow you everywhere.” – Unknown
  • “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem
  • “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” – Thomas Jefferson
  • “It’s not the mistake that matters, it’s how you deal with it that defines you.” – Unknown
  • “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato

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About Ahana Agrawal

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