Healing Wounds: Quotes Reflecting the Impact When You Hurt Someone


When You Hurt Someone Quotes

Not everyone is kind! But, those who are kind and good at heart, feels pain of just everyone. If you’re someone with a good heart, you won’t be able to see people cry or being hurt. In case you have hurt someone by mistake, you will feel guilty and couldn’t get over this feeling. It is like a curse being this sensitive in today’s world. But, it is good too! It shows that there are still good people in this world. Did you just hurt someone who is close to your heart? Or just have hurt someone stranger? If yes, these When You Hurt Someone Quotes are totally for you! If the person who got hurt because of you is someone close to you, you can share these quotes with them and ask for an apology. If it was a person who is stranger, just give them a read and share on social media. Maybe, somewhere on twitter they will find one of your post and forgive you?

When You Hurt Someone Quotes

  • “Hurt people hurt people.” – Unknown
  • “The worst kind of hurt is betrayal because it means someone was willing to hurt you just to make themselves feel better.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, it’s not just about the action that caused the pain, it’s also about the broken trust.” – Unknown
  • “Sometimes the people who hurt us the most are the ones who were supposed to love us the most.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone you love is like damaging a part of yourself.” – Unknown
  • “The pain you caused me is a reminder of how not to treat others.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, the damage can be irreparable, no matter how much you apologize.” – Unknown
  • “The only thing worse than hurting someone you love is not doing anything to make it right.” – Unknown
  • “It’s hard to forgive someone who has hurt you, but it’s even harder to forget the pain they caused.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone can be a momentary decision, but the consequences can last a lifetime.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is not just about the action, it’s also about the intention behind it.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you lose a part of their trust and it’s hard to gain it back.” – Unknown
  • “You can’t undo the hurt you caused, but you can apologize and try to make it right.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone you love is like throwing a rock into a pond, the ripples can be felt for a long time.” – Unknown
  • “The worst feeling is realizing that you hurt someone who would never hurt you.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is easy, but the guilt and regret can be unbearable.” – Unknown
  • “You can never take back the hurtful words you said, but you can learn to be more mindful of your words in the future.” – Unknown
  • “The hardest part of hurting someone is seeing the pain in their eyes and knowing you caused it.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you create a wound that can take a long time to heal.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of hurting someone you love can be greater than any pain they caused you.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is not a sign of strength, it’s a sign of weakness.” – Unknown
  • “The true test of character is how you treat people who have been hurt by you.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is not just about what you did, it’s also about how you make them feel.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you break something that can never be fixed.” – Unknown
  • “The worst thing about hurting someone is the regret that comes with it.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone you love is like burning a bridge that you may never be able to cross again.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you not only hurt them, but you also hurt yourself in the process.” – Unknown
  • “The greatest regret in life is the pain you cause to someone you love.” – Unknown
  • “Hurtful words can cut deeper than a knife, leaving wounds that may never heal.” – Unknown
  • “Sometimes we hurt the ones we love the most because they are the ones who can withstand the pain.” – Unknown
  • “It’s easy to hurt someone, but it takes strength to apologize and make things right.” – Unknown
  • “The saddest thing about hurting someone is realizing that you were the cause of their pain.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is like taking a hammer to a vase, you may be able to glue it back together, but it will never be the same.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of hurting someone can be overwhelming, but the pain of regret can be even worse.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you not only damage their trust in you, but also your own self-respect.” – Unknown
  • “The most painful thing about hurting someone is knowing that you can’t turn back time and undo the damage.” – Unknown
  • “The worst thing you can do to someone is make them feel like they are not worthy of love and respect.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone can cause a ripple effect, spreading pain and negativity to those around them.” – Unknown
  • “Sometimes the greatest act of love is admitting that you have hurt someone and working to make things right.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is like throwing a stone into a pond, the ripples can be felt long after the stone has sunk.” – Unknown
  • “The most painful thing about hurting someone is the knowledge that you could have done things differently.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, it’s important to remember that you can’t just apologize and expect everything to be okay.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone can leave scars that may never heal, but forgiveness can help to ease the pain.” – Unknown
  • “The most important thing you can do when you hurt someone is to take responsibility for your actions and make things right.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, you not only damage the relationship, but also the person’s trust in themselves.” – Unknown
  • “Hurting someone is like breaking a mirror, the damage can never be fully undone.” – Unknown
  • “The hardest thing about hurting someone is facing the reality of what you’ve done and the impact it has had on them.” – Unknown
  • “When you hurt someone, the pain you cause may be temporary, but the damage to the relationship can last a lifetime.” – Unknown

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About Admin

I am Shubham Jadhav, I love writing & creating new thoughts, quotes and captions for Instagram. I have been doing this work since 2015. I have worked for various blogs and sites.

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